суббота, 25 апреля 2015 г.

О. М. Вакух м. Хмельницький (Перекладознавство)

Neologisms are perhaps the non-literary and the professional translator's biggest problem. New objects and processes are continually created nowadays. New ideas and variations on feelings come from the media. Terms from the social sciences, slang, dialect coming into the mainstream of language, transferred words, make up the rest. It has been stated that each language acquires 3000 new words, annually, but in fact, neologisms cannot be accurately quantified, since so many hover between acceptance and oblivion and many are short-lived, individual creations [1, 12].
In other words, neologisms are new words, word-combinations or fixed phrases that appear in the language due to the development of social life, culture, science and engineering. New meanings of existing words are also accepted as neologisms [4, 115].
The relevance of the selected topic is stipulated by the difficultiesfacing translators since translation of such words is not readily found in ordinary dictionaries and even in the newest specialized dictionaries.
The goal of the paper is to analyze the phenomenon of neologism in modern English, study the problem of the formation and peculiarities of their translation.
According to the goal of the research the tasks of the paper are following:
1) to identify the main types of neologisms formation and their classification;
2) to define the main ways and methods  of new coinages translation;
3) to analyze the producing of new coinages in serials and cartoons.
Neologisms are usually formed on the basis of words and morphemes that already exist in the language. The analysis of these words and morphemes is an additional helpful tool in finding out the meaning of the neologism. For this purpose, the translator should remember word–formation means: borrowing, combining, shortening, blending, shifting, generified words, affixation, acronyms, abbreviation, conversion, reduplication, clipping [3, 9].
In addition, the following ways of neologisms translation wereidentified.
1. Selection of an appropriate analogue in a target language The Simpsons “Meh.” (Угу, Ну так); Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious– (Надзвичайно крутий);
2. Transcription and transliteration “grinch” (Грінч) How the Grinch Stole Christmas!- Грінч-викрадач Різдва!;droid”(дроід);
3. Loan translation and calquedroid” (робот);
4. Explanatory translation and descriptive translation Smushables” – Прим’яті продукти в нижній частині пакету [2, 250].
We have observed the following neologisms:
Mary Poppins: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious– «Надзвичайно крутий» the way of neologisms formation is blending, the way of translation is selection of an appropriate analogue in a target language.
Star Wars: gave us the droid (дроід, робот), a shortened form of android even though it applies to all autonomous robotic creatures in the Star Wars universe, not just those that resemble humanoids, the way of translation is transcription and transliteration.
Mary and Max’sMax is going to write a letter to the Oxford Dictionary suggesting some new additions, namely Confuzzled (confused/puzzled) -(шокуючий, заведений у глухий кут, збитий з пантелику) the way of translation is selection of an appropriate analogue in a target language Snirt (snow/dirt) - (брудний сніг) calque. Smushables (Прим’яті продукти в нижній частині пакету) - (groceries that were smushed at the bottom of the bag) explanatory translation.
The Simpsons has produced a number of neologisms, which have come into varying degrees of common use for example “Meh.” (Угу, Ну так) selection of an appropriate analogue in a target language
Jebediah Springfield: A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man. (Благородний дух ушляхетнює і маленьку людину) selection of an appropriate analogue in a target language.
Note that the Wiktionary link for “embiggens” dates the coinage at 1884: the Simpsons merely popularized it.
The Simpson’s use of  “D'oh” (От Дідько! the way of translation is  selection of an appropriate analogue in a target language) wasn't new. It was a copy of James Finlayson's usage of the term. For those who don't recognize the name, Finlayson was a friend of Stan Laurel and frequent actor in Laurel and Hardy films — usually as the mustachioed antagonist. He introduced both “D'oh” and the Double Take (Здивований повторний погляд на що-небудь) to comedy film.
After investigating the usage of neologisms in films and cartoons we should notify that neologisms are translated mostly with the help of selection of an appropriate analogue in a target language, calque and explanatory translation. The last secures the most exact rendition of the meaning. It is advised to combine it with other ways of neologisms translation.
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